Development setup#

Create a virtual environment, activate it and install required packages:

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -e ".[test]"

# enable basic style checks once
pre-commit install


Make sure to activate the virtual environment in every new shell session:

source .venv/bin/activate

If you want to automate this checkout direnv.


On Windows the syntax for virtual environment activation is a bit different:

# The following may need to be run once. Please check the docs for its consequences:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser

# Activate via:

CLI scripts can now be simply run:

msh2vtu --help

Testing with tox and pytest#

Test environment are created and run with tox. Tests are executed via pytest

To run the tests:



You can parallelize the tox tests with tox -p.

You can view a test coverage report by opening htmlcov/index.html in a browser.

You can also run a single test environment with e.g.:

tox -e py39

The following environments are available:

$ tox list
default environments:
py39       -> Run tests with py39
py310      -> Run tests with py310
py311      -> Run tests with py311
report     -> Combines coverage reports into html and xml reports.
typecheck  -> Type checks with mypy
pre-commit -> Run pre-commit on all files

additional environments:
docs       -> Create documentation
publish    -> Run tests with publish
pragma     -> Run tests with pragma

Create a package#


Packages can then be found in dist/.

Build documentation#

tox -e docs
make html

This will create the documentation files in docs/_build/html.

For development use the auto-generating and -reloading web server:

docs/toxin -e docs python docs/
# open in a web browser